
Antiquing a New Garden

Homes without any landscaping tend to bring in a smaller price, so finding ways to make them more appealing is important. Any house may have its garden razed at any time. The plants may have been old and sickly, or there could have been an issue with underground utilities that made it necessary to remove them. For a house newly on the market, this could be a disaster. Antiquing a new garden could be the solution.

It does take time for trees and shrubs to grow, but the lack of them in the garden area could be acceptable. Adding in a fence might be a good idea, but new wood could be a blatant cry that the garden is not established very well. Painting the fence in several different layers and scraping it to make those layers apparent is just one way to make the garden look established. Adding a few climbing vines that grow quickly could be another way to disguise how new it is.

Plants in defined beds are often a big part of an established garden area. Adding in new planters could look too bright, but building them with older pieces of wood or use metal might just help bring in that established look. Rather than taking care with lining up each board properly, leaving a few gaps to simulate age could be another handy way to get the perfect look of age.

It can be difficult to tell the age of many plants, so choosing those that add beauty without standing out too much could be a key element to antiquing. Fast growing plants could be another good way to age the garden without investing years in it, and there are plenty available for those seeking the look of an established garden. It may take a bit of planning and work, but getting that perfectly aged garden could take as little as half a year with the right planning.